5 Proven Ways That Can Prevent Any Kind Of Hair Loss

August 31, 2018 | Posted at 4:32 am | by Click (Follow User)

Hair loss shampoos, medications and vitamins are everywhere nowadays. People who are looking for a way to prevent their hair from falling or cure baldness are likely to be overrun with choices ranging from natural home remedies to prescription drugs and miraculous products. Due to a wide array of hair loss treatments available these days, it can be extremely difficult to sort through them and figure out which treatments are genuine. Fortunately, we have done the hard job for those who are looking for an effective hair loss treatment by compiling a list of proven ways to cure baldness.

1. Rogaine

Rogaine is one of the most effective topical treatments for hair loss. It contains minoxidil that can slow hair loss and may also regrow some of the hair. This FDA-approved topical medicine increases flow of blood and delivers more nutrients and oxygen to hair follicles. Liquid Rogaine may cause and leave an oily coating on the hair, therefore, Click Pharmacy advises to opt for the 5% foam. It should be applied on the scalp twice for the most benefit. Unlike finasteride, (another FDA-approved drug for hair loss treatment) Rogaine is not linked with side effects like decreased libido or erectile dysfunction.

2. Finasteride

Finasteride or propecia is another prescription medicine that can prevent hair loss in men. However the treatment does not work for everyone. Finasteride works by reducing the formation of DHT, a sex hormone that interferes with the shedding cycle and natural growth of hair. Stats reveal that about a third of men who use Propecia grow some of their hair back and another third do not lose any more hair. Unfortunately, it doesn’t help the remaining third in anyway. Propecia comes with major sexual side effects, including erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction, decreased ejaculation and decreased libido have been reported in as many as 15.8 percent of men who take propecia. In one study, it was found that 1.4% of men who developed erectile dysfunction while taking the medicine still had difficulties getting their penis up 3.5 years after they stopped taking the drug. Finasteride should thus be used as a last option when nothing else seems to work.

3. Regaine for Women

Regaine for women is an ideal treatment for hereditary hair loss in women aged 18 to 65 years. It contains the active ingredient minoxidil. Younger women who only have a small area of baldness are likely to get better results from this treatment than women who have a larger area of baldness. Regaine for women is available in solution form and foam form. The solution should be applied at least twice a day and it will take at least three to four months before new hair growth become noticeable. The form should be applied once a day and it will take five to six months before new hair growth become noticeable. If no improvement is observed after six to eight months of using the Regaine for women, it means that the treatment isn’t working and it should be stopped. If Regaine for women is working for someone, then they should continue using it to ensure that their hair growth continues. If they stop using it, the hair that’s regrown may fall out a few months later.

>4. Laser Treatment

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can also be used to prevent and reverse hair loss. It is a kind of heat/laser treatment that is most commonly used to cure alopecia and pattern baldness. In the laser treatment procedure, a laser emitting device is used that is generally safe. The laser penetrates into the person’s scalp to increase the blood circulation and stimulate hair follicles. The laser light also prevents the formation of DHT. A hair professional administers the laser therapy and it is usually available in salons. Usually, two to three sessions of the treatment are required per week. Each session lasts for 8 to 16 minutes and during this time, the scalp is exposed to the laser emitting device. If the treatment works, noticeable hair growth will be observed after about 3 to 4 months of treatment.

5. Natural Treatments

Massaging the hair with natural ingredients can also prevent hair loss. A head massage increases the flow of blood in the hair follicles to increase the absorption of essential nutrients required for hair growth. Using essential oils and some kitchen ingredients on the hair can help to repair damaged hair follicles, treat scalp disorders and infections and stimulate hair growth.

–Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an effective remedy for hair loss and it can boost hair growth. It contains enzymes that promote the growth of hair and makes the scalp healthy by regulating its pH level. Aloe Vera also reduces problems of scalp such as inflammation, flaking and itching.


Fenugreek is another natural remedy that has been found effective in treating hair loss and hair fall. The protein and hormones in Fenugreek helps to rebuild the hair follicles and stimulate hair growth. Fenugreek seeds should be soaked in water overnight and then grind to a paste. The paste should be applied on the hair and allowed to stay for 40 minutes. Then, the hair should be rinsed with a mild shampoo.

–Onion Juice

Onion juice is a natural hair loss treatment that has proven to work in the majority of cases. Sulfur in onion increases circulation of blood in the scalp and promotes collagen growth. Onion juice should be applied directly onto the scalp and allowed to stay for 15 minutes. Then it should be washed off with a mild shampoo. Hair loss and baldness can be prevented through the treatments highlighted above. However, it is recommended to seek medical advice before using any of them as some treatments come with side effects. You could also use a hair exfoliating brush.