5 factors to consider for accurate IFU translation

August 11, 2024 | Posted at 2:15 am | by Natalie D (Follow User)

Medical translation is a specialized type of translation that is extremely challenging. It is particularly specialized due to the sensitive type of content. This is a broad term that also includes dealing with the subjects around scientific and technical translation. Medical text is translated mainly to prevent diseases and make the process of treatment easy for patients. 

The medical industry has become broad. It has multiple arenas to take care of, which demand translation to facilitate a diverse audience. Instructions for use or IFUs are an important part of medical devices, among other documents. These are sent with the medical devices during the distribution in the respective language. Any negligence or mistake in the process can make things worse and miserable for users and patients. So accuracy is a must for medical translation.

Here are a few aspects to consider before translating the IFUs for an accurate and correct translation.

Legal concerns

Legal content and regulatory compliance is the most important factor to consider while offering IFUs translation services. There are different practices in different countries, and hence the companies have to initiate duly. The IFUs sent to different regions must comply with legal regulations. You as a part of the healthcare industry should keep up with the regulations in your target countries. Also, you need to stay updated on the regulatory requirements for IFU translations in different countries such as the FDA in the USA, EMA in Europe, etc.

Moreover, adherence to standards also ensures compliance with the specific formatting along with content and terminology standards. Medical terminology is especially tough to deal with, and only professional translators can understand and use it according to the real meaning and context. Thus, for an accurate translation of instructions for use, you should consider obtaining certifications that are relevant to the medical device translation to build credibility.

Technical accuracy

Technical accuracy is another important factor to consider and scrutinize IFU’s content. To ensure technical accuracy, without which your IFUs can face rejection, ensure that you only hire subject-matter experts. Moreover, the translators should also have a deep and profound knowledge and understanding of medical terminology and device functions, as well as the medical industry overall.

The terminology management in advance also helps to achieve technical accuracy. You should maintain a consistent terminology database in advance so that the translators can use it right away, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all languages. Moreover, collaborating with medical device manufacturers can make the process easy to understand and navigate. Working with the device manufacturers and engineers can make you understand certain technical details.

Cultural adaptation

Healthcare and medicine translation services are incomplete without cultural adaptation. You should never overlook the cultural factors while translating the IFUs for foreign audiences. A user-centric approach can make you excel in the translation of this document. Make sure that you consider the target audience’s language proficiency and cultural background, along with their reading habits. This helps you work on a translation that does not fail to leave an impact. The visuals should be appropriate and according to the cultural background of the audience for building a relationship of trust and reliability.

The layout and formatting come next. These are particularly important as these are different in the regions and may vary according to the regional practices. Also, IFUs in particular come with certain layouts and should be implemented accordingly for optimum results.

Quality assurance

A robust quality assurance process should be considered to check and scan the quality of the leaflets and IFUs. You should opt for multiple reviews to ensure there is no mistake or negligence. Also, make sure that you implement a rigorous review process that involves subject-matter experts, linguists, and technical reviewers from the same field. Any error in the medical content can have long-lasting and grave consequences.

Additionally, opt for the back translation. Consider back translation to identify the potential errors and consistencies. Back translation has proved to be a good practice to scrutinize the content for errors and translation. The usability testing should also be considered to evaluate the clarity and effectiveness of the translated IFUs. This can ensure that your content is good and accurate enough to send to the relevant authorities. 


Technological advancements have been going on for a long time now. Machine translation tools have evolved for the better. Using technology and machine tools smartly can help to share your workload and save you from petty tasks. So make sure that you use machine translation during the initial phases for the huge volumes of IFU text. However, a follow-up by humans with their post-editing services is a must for optimal results.

You should also consider using DTP. Desktop publishing can ensure accurate formatting and layout of the translated IFU, and can also prove to be cost-effective and economical as compared to manual services. Moreover, opting for manual services can also increase the work for the designers, charging hefty amounts.


Healthcare translation has become imperative due to the medical needs of a diverse audience. Instructions for use (IFUs) are part of the medical device distribution process across the globe. Their translation can be challenging, hence you should ensure that you know the whole process and consider certain factors including regulatory compliance, working on technical accuracy, opting for cultural adaptation, not overlooking quality assurance, and wise use of technology.