5 Best Herbal Teas For You

June 20, 2024 | Posted at 8:13 am | by Natalie D (Follow User)

We all live in a fast-paced world where every day is a new race. It is a luxury to think of a time to relax, and we all imagine a soothing, relaxing cup of herbal tea to unwind after a stressful day. Choosing the right tea can feel overwhelming so that we will discuss the five best herbal teas. Sit back and enjoy the guide to help you decide which herbal tea to try first. 

Five Popular Herbal Teas for You

  • Chamomile Tea for Calming Effects 

Chamomile tea is a warm and comforting beverage brewed with Chamomile flowers. These flowers contain flavonoids and terpenes that can relax the senses and promote a healthy sleep cycle. The soothing qualities of this tea have been known for centuries, and recent studies show that it is effective in alleviating mild anxiety symptoms and improving sleep quality, particularly for individuals with insomnia. 

You can find this tea if you search for ‘herbal store near me.’ To make this calming tea, steep one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers in hot water. After five to ten minutes of steeping, add a sweetener of your choice, and enjoy the aromatic tea. 

  • Mamaki Tea 

Mamaki tea is a Hawaiian tea and you can find it from any shop if you search ‘herbal store near me.’ This tea has been a signature beverage of Hawaii and is used for relaxation and stress relief. The mood-enhancing properties have made it popular in the rest of the world as well. Studies observe that Mamaki tea contains compounds that help with anxiety and soothe the nerves.  

Making this tea is as easy as Chamomile tea because you can buy the Mamaki tea powder, and steep it in hot water for five to ten minutes to enjoy it with, or without a sweetener. Honey tastes good with this tea.  

  • Green Tea 

Green tea is stimulating and energy-boosting, making it a perfect morning beverage. This Japanese tea is rich in antioxidants and L-theanine, an amino acid known for its calming effects. If you consume too much coffee, it can give you jitters, but this tea will provide you with the same focus and alertness without any jitters. 

Green tea offers sustained energy thanks to the combined effects of L-theanine and caffeine. You can buy loose green tea and brew it in a cup of hot water. Let the tea steep for a few minutes, and then enjoy its delicious flavor.  

  • Detox Tea 

Several kinds of detox teas can help reset your body and mind to improve productivity and energy levels. Detox teas aim to reduce stress on the digestive system so that you feel more focused and in control. All consumers must understand that the body has its natural detoxification system, including the liver and kidneys. While certain detox teas may contain herbs with diuretic properties that can increase urination, this doesn’t necessarily equate to toxin removal. 

Some of our recommendations are dandelion root, known for its liver-supporting properties, and green tea, with flavonoids and terpenes to soothe the stomach. You can buy dandelion root tea bags if you search ‘herbal store near me’ and use them in a hot cup of water. After a few minutes of steeping, enjoy the relaxing tea, which will reset your body functions. 

  • Chai Tea 

Chai tea is an Indian spiced tea made with black tea leaves and spices like ginger, cardamom, cloves, pepper, and cinnamon. This tea is different because it also contains milk. However, its growing popularity is due to its positive effects on the immune system and metabolism and its soothing of the senses. Cinnamon is known for its blood sugar regulation properties, while ginger boasts anti-inflammatory effects. 

Cardamom may aid digestion, and cloves possess antibacterial properties. For chai tea, boil water and add a teaspoon of black tea leaves. Add ginger, clove, black pepper, and cinnamon powder, and let it simmer on low flame. Once the tea is well combined, add sugar or jaggery and enjoy. 

Last Words 

There are many kinds of herbal teas. We have put together five of the best herbal teas for you to enjoy and improve your lifestyle. These teas are easy to make and will keep you refreshed, calm and alert. Try these today and see which one is your favorite!