5 Apps To Help You Organize Your Life

February 17, 2020 | Posted at 3:20 am | by Josh (Follow User)

Getting organized is hard. When it comes to finding a place for everything and figuring out how to make it all fit, it really isn’t easy. 

When it comes to getting a grasp on minimizing or even making your day easier to manage, there’s so much information out there that it’s hard to know what advice to take and who to listen to. Before you Marie Kondo your whole life, try a few of these apps on our list to see if your life gets more organized and easier to handle.



When it comes to leading a more orderly life, one of the best places to start is with your routine. If you’re leaving every day running five minutes behind and looking like a hot mess, then some changes have got to be made.

Start by planning your day the night before. Use an app like Any.do to make your to-do lists. Use 20 to 30 minutes of your time at the end of the day to go over everything you need to do the following day, set your alarm for when you need to wake up and seize the day. This one change in your routine will help you get through your day and take care of everything on your list.

Along with managing routines comes taking care of your diet. You can’t expect to hit the ground running every day if you aren’t getting enough nutrients. The best way to make sure you’re organizing your food intake is to use an app like My Fitness Pal to keep track of what you’re eating and when. You can keep track of your macronutrients so you can stay on top of your health and fuel yourself appropriately for long days.



While developing a routine to organize your life, getting your mind organized is helpful too. Try playing with games that help focus your mind, like PokerStars to work on strategy, and Sudoku for recognizing patterns. Games like these have been proven to help your brain make decisions faster.

It’s worth taking the time to get your brain working just how you need it to, so you can focus and be on your A-game throughout the day.

Additionally, when it comes to keeping your brain on point it’s important to give your mind a chance to rest. That means taking a break and giving yourself a chance to relax. You can’t always operate at a higher level if you aren’t taking time to calm yourself.

Apps like Calm and Headspace are perfect for giving yourself the downtime you need so you can operate at your best when you need it. You’ll find after meditating that you’ll feel more at ease, and your mind will feel clearer so you can make the most of organizing the rest of your life.



If you’re struggling with messy finances, then it’s time to bite the bullet and get them under control. It’s easy to fall into bad financial habits that don’t benefit your budget. If you’ve subscribed for a service and forgotten about it, chances are you’re paying for that every month.

Everyone wants more money in their wallet, and apps like Mint connect to your bank account and give you a breakdown of how you’re spending your money, so you can track where it’s all going. You can set reminders through the app to let you know about future payments so you can stay on track all the time.

If you find you have a hard time forgetting to cancel subscriptions, then use an app like Clarity Money. This app will analyze your spending behavior and will cancel subscriptions you’re not using. You can even create savings goals, and the app will give you suggestions on how to reach them.

Once you’ve developed some good routines, and worked on your mind and your finances, you’ll find that you’ll begin to organize everything else in your life. After all, when you take the time to work on a schedule and follow it, you’ll find that you do less flying by the seat of your pants, and you’ll have more time to do the things you really enjoy.

Taking the time to get your budget under control will help you realize the financial goals you’ve set for yourself, so you can enjoy a vacation abroad.