4 Holiday Myths Debunked

December 2, 2023 | Posted at 2:06 pm | by Leah (Follow User)

Holiday prep typically takes a toll on our mental health, and can often cause us to have a negative attitude towards the season as a whole. According to Fox News, 88 percent of us are stressed by the Christmas season. Many of us choose to cling to traditions we have had for years, and never really think to adjust them. While traditions are nice to have, they could actually be the source of your stress. Luckily, these can be easily altered to give you a more relaxed and stress-free holiday. Below, we’ve compiled a list of four well-known holiday myths that you may want to rethink this year.


Myth 1: You have to be with family

While many people choose this time to spend with their family, it is not something that is universal. In fact, 1 in 5 people choose to bow out of the family celebration. For some, it can even be a stretch to imagine your entire extended family gathered around one dining room table celebrating together. This is okay! Instead of stressing out about this fact, choose to spend your holidays with close friends instead. As long as you are spending time with the people that mean the most to you, that’s what the holidays are about.


Myth 2: There’s no time to clean

Clutter is a problem most of us have all year round. Adding decorations into the mix can make it seem as if there is no time to declutter the extra items. However, heading into the season with an organization plan can completely debunk this myth. We actually lose precious planning time when searching for an item we can’t find. In fact, on average Americans spend 55 minutes a day looking for things they can’t find. For this reason, it’s crucial to focus on your Christmas decoration storage around the holidays. Having your decorations easy to find and systemized will smooth out your process and keep your areas clean!

Myth 3: Budgets aren’t worth it

According to Investopedia, industry experts expect the average American to spend $920 per person on holiday gifts. That estimate alone should be enough to convince you to use a budget this year. It can often feel impossible to stick to a financial plan, however, it is important we challenge ourselves. Without one, your bank account will take a serious hit, and can affect you for months to come. Sit down before you begin your shopping, and create a structure with the most realistic range of what you can spend.


Myth 4: Weight gain is unavoidable

Weight gain is a common concern for most adults around the holidays. Numerous appetizers are followed by hefty dinners and then are often closed out with rich desserts. It’s hard to avoid! After a couple of these get-togethers, you can begin to feel extremely sluggish and the pounds will begin to pack on. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy, while still enjoying every moment! An easy place to start is controlling your portions when eating. You can still have a taste of everything in front of you, however, try to stay away from that extra scoop or second helping. It’s also crucial to ensure you are staying active. If you are not a gym person, try and incorporate some festive activities! Plan an ice skating date or go sledding with the whole family. Whatever it is, try to incorporate some form of exercise into your day.



Make this Christmas the best one yet. If you simply follow what makes you the most happy, you can’t go wrong!