3 Genuine Ways To Go Against An Unfair Life

August 17, 2017 | Posted at 5:58 am | by Lukas (Follow User)

Life seems unfair at so many points. We believe it to be unjust, especially if nothing is going our way. We look at other people and see their life going so well and compare it to our own life. This lets us believe we have no luck at all.

Here are 3 ways to go against living an unfair life.

1. Know it is mostly your Point of View.

Life only seems unfair to a few people, not to everyone. Imagine 2 Waiters. One of the Waiters believes their life sucks. They go into it with a bad attitude, do not greet most people and, therefore, do not get a large tip. The other waiter believes their life is amazing. They go into it with a smile, greet everyone and get a large tip for their attitude.

From the Point of View of the first waiter, Life is totally unfair. But is it really? From an outside perspective we can see that it isn’t all that unfair. It is just the Point of View that we hold that makes it seem so unfair.

We compare ourselves to people who seem to have it all, blaming their success on luck and good fortune. Yet, we have no idea how they obtained their fortunes or how happy they actually are. We just assume they area feeling great because of all the success they reap.

Even those people believe Life is unfair. They may look to other, even more successful people, thinking they have been treated unfair in comparison to them. Those people may look even higher. And the people that cannot look any higher, may look at people who are happier than them and ask what went wrong.

Go against this Point of View by removing the need to compare yourself to others. Stop comparing yourself and start creating your own luck. Most people that seem lucky have achieved their success through years of hard work that no one knows about.

Whenever you look at another person’s fortune, look where they got it from first. How much work did they have to put in? How much have you done in comparison? And how happy are they?

2. Attitude changes everything.

The only tangible difference between the waiters was their attitude. Holding a positive attitude, even in the worst of times makes Life work out just like in the example above.

Who would you rather spend time with? Someone that is positive and always uplifting, or someone who sulks in all the pessimism they can muster? Would you rather pay a waiter that is positive and friendly, or mean and unhelpful? Would you rather give a tip to someone doing the work they are supposed to do, or someone who goes the extra step for you?

Your attitude changes the luck you receive from the world.

Try this for a day. Test it out yourself. For 24 hours be overly pessimistic. Sulk in all the negativity of the world and have the worst day ever. Become as pessimistic as you possible can. Then, take a couple of days to recuperate and try it again after 3-4 days. But this time with Positivity. For those 24 hours be overly optimistic and happy with everything. Be as happy, positive, excited and optimistic as you can be. Be over the top! Notice the difference. Attitude changes everything.

3. Active vs. Passive.

The people who believe Life is unfair are usually the same people that never really act on life. They sit back and wait for life to turn out just the way they want it to. But that is like expecting a chicken to fly over to the grill, defeather and cook itself, and then fly onto your plate.

Life has no idea what you want, and it is way too big to even care about you. You have to guide it there yourself! Take up the active role in your life instead of living a passive lifestyle.

What is it that you want? What would make you believe Life is fair? What do you need to obtain to think that? And how can you actually get it?

Consider these questions and work towards them a little bit every day. Decrease the discrepancy between your unfair life right now, and the fair, lucky life you desire.