20 Pieces Of Advice I Would Tell My 20-Year-Old Self

February 26, 2016 | Posted at 2:15 pm | by Trey (Follow User)

Looking back, there are lots of things that I wish I would have known at the start of my twenties that I know now. If I could go back in time, these are the pieces of advice that I would have told myself:



1. Don’t beat up on yourself when life doesn’t go as you planned. Everything eventually does work itself out.



2. You change be your greatest fan or your toughest critic. Either one will greatly impact your belief in yourself. Choose the latter and always believe in yourself.



3. You have to fight for what you want and who it is that you want to be. You are the manager of your life.



4. Don’t try to impress people. Half of the people you know who are your age don’t know what they’re doing or have it altogether. Be yourself.



5. Let go of the people who bring you down or who don’t fully support you. It’s a waste of energy trying to get them in your life.



6. Your best days are really yet to come, if just continue to work hard.



7. Try not be so stressed all the time. Life is too short and most of the things you worry about aren’t going to happen anyways.



8. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. Not even yourself.



9. The most pain things you have to endure are developing you into who you need to be for the next chapter.



10. Everything always happens for a reason. Sometimes to teach you something, redirect your path, or give you wisdom.



11. There are many sheep in wolves clothing. They look like they support you and care, but they don’t. Trust your instincts about people.



12. People rarely change. When they show you their truth, walk away.



13. You don’t need a lot of friends. Your circle will only decrease as you get older and that’s OK. You want people around you who lift you higher



14. Pray a lot. It creates miracles – literally.



15. When you don’t get something you want, trust that God has something even better in store.



16. Enjoy life, every moment of it as much as you can. Take time to have fun build memories with great friends.



17. Discover your true passions and take time to develop them. If you do, you can always find a way to make money off of them and become successful in what you love.



18. Take risks. It’s one of the best parts about life and makes great stories to tell.



19. Have the courage to listen to your gut.



3. Have the courage to forge your own path, even if you have to walk it alone in the beginning.