12 Weekend Habits Of Successful People

May 1, 2020 | Posted at 1:30 pm | by SUCCESS (Follow User)

Being successful doesn’t mean that you have to be constantly developing new ideas, solving problems and getting things done. Taking a step back periodically can be remarkably important and rewarding. By recharging over the weekend, you’ll be better prepared to perform during the week.

So what are some good habits to cultivate? To find out, we asked members of the Young Entrepreneur Council to share some of the things they do on the weekends, and why those activities help them to be successful.

1. Disconnect.

Taking a true break from the grind of the week to do something that puts you in a flow state is vital for weekends. Whether it’s playing music, painting, or playing a sport, allowing yourself to become immersed in an activity is so important for disconnecting from work and boosting creativity.

Rachel Beider, PRESS Modern Massage


2. Exercise.

Exercise is one of the best ways to strengthen the body and clear the mind. The endorphins help your body recharge, and it can improve your sleeping habits, too. The trick is to find out what routines work for you that you can maintain on a regular basis—like short walks, dance videos or studio classes. Make room for movement on the weekend, and you’ll be more likely to return to the office smiling on Monday.

Riccardo Conte, Kimonus Inc.


3. Self-care.

Find time for yourself, to dedicate to your other passions that may not be directly related to your 9-5 job. Doing activities that help you improve as a person—such as reading, learning a new skill or simply enjoying time with loved ones—can be a breath of fresh air from all the work you put in during the week.

Chelsea Rivera, Honest Paws


4. Meditation.

I am in a meditation group, and we meet every Sunday morning for two hours of calm; it really gives my mind a break and helps me recharge, so I’m ready to take on tense situations in the week to come. If you don’t like to meditate, just choose a relaxing activity you do enjoy. The regular break and social interaction is good for your mental health. 

Piyush Jain, SIMpalm


5. Time alone.

Spending time alone for a few hours on Saturday or Sunday morning can be a great way to decompress and refocus. Try reflecting on your achievements and planning for the upcoming week. You’ll feel proud for what you’ve accomplished, and prepared for what’s to come.

Kristin Kimberly Marquet, Marquet Media, LLC


6. Errands and chores.

After a long day of work at the office, the last thing most people want to do is keep working when they get home. Instead of running errands and doing chores during the week, get grocery shopping and laundry out of the way on Saturday or Sunday. That way, it’s off your to-do list before the week even begins, leaving room for relaxation with the family when you need it most.

Thomas Griffin, OptinMonster


7. Rest and relax.

It can be tempting to work through the weekend and check off more to-do list items. Avoid this temptation by scheduling a block of “R&R” time—shut off your phone or turn off email notifications and do something you enjoy. Bonus tip: Cook for the week ahead to make getting healthy meals in quick and easy.

Victoria Brodsky, BlockchainBTM Inc.


8. Plan the week.

Planning your time ahead as best as possible over the weekend is of great help to your weekly sprint. Scheduling meetings, prioritizing emergencies, blocking time for critical work, and defining “last-minute task” time blocks makes daily planning a lot easier and manageable when you get to Monday.

Mario Peshev, DevriX


9. Read.

Make reading a compulsory habit every weekend; it develops your mind, and refreshes it. By reading about topics you know and also ones you’re not familiar with, you’ll both learn new things that can impact your life in positive ways, and find interesting pieces of wisdom that you can link to your experiences. Reading can reframe your perspective.

Blair Williams, MemberPress


10. Try new things.

A great way to expand your mind is to try new things—reading a book of poetry, losing yourself in fiction, or trying a new hobby. Mixing things up from your normal routine will help you tap into your creativity when you need inspiration most. 

Nicole Munoz, Nicole Munoz Consulting Inc.


11. Find a balance.

I try my best to spend one day of the weekend unplugged, no work-related activities. Then, I spend the other day learning something new that I can use to be better at work. I find balance in a weekend of self-care and self-improvement.

Vladimir Gendelman, Company Folders Inc.


12. Go on an adventure.

I’m lucky enough to be a business owner with three kids. Nothing forces you to be present more than young children. Two days adventuring with them truly gives my mind and soul a rest from the business, and gives me the perspective needed to handle things more clearly and thoughtfully come Monday.

Saloni Doshi, Eco Enclose, LLC


What would you add to this list?

Related: 14 Science-Backed Reasons to Disconnect Over the Weekend


This article was published in partnership with RIZZARR. It originally appeared on SUCCESS.com and these answers are provided by Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), an invite-only organization comprised of the world’s most successful young entrepreneurs. YEC members represent nearly every industry, generate billions of dollars in revenue each year and have created tens of thousands of jobs. Learn more at yec.co.