11 Reasons You Should Get a Cat

February 21, 2022 | Posted at 12:50 am | by Ciera (Follow User)

Cats are a popular pet choice for many reasons. Not only are they cute and cuddly, but they can be very loyal (just like dogs). If you’re not sure whether or not having a cat is right for you, check out these reasons to get a cat. 

1. Good Companions

Everyone considers dogs to be man’s best friends. However, cats can be just as loyal. When you have a cat, they’ll become part of the family, and you’ll never feel lonely again. The companionship isn’t one-sided either; You’ll give your cat the same level of loyalty they show you. Cats offer you unconditional love, no matter what. You and your cat will become a team when it comes to playing or cuddling on the couch. Believe it or not, your cat will love you just as much as you love them. To a cat, you are everything, including a best friend and parent. 

2. Entertainment

There’s no entertainment like the kind you get from a cat. Each cat has its personality, and playtime can be fun for both of you. Cats don’t need to do much to be entertaining. From crawling all over the furniture, including tabletops, to purring on your lap, they provide heartwarming entertainment you’ll never tire of. 

3. Clean

Cats constantly groom themselves, which makes them fairly clean compared to other types of animals. Cats like having clean coats, but you can also groom your pet as a way to bond with them. Unfortunately, no pet is going to be completely clean. Cats can spill litter on the floor or track it through the house on their paws, but that doesn’t mean they’re messy. Not only that, they don’t need to go potty outside, so they won’t track any mud or bugs into your home. 

4. Independent

If you want a pet but you’re not sure if you’ll be home enough to go for potty breaks every four to eight hours, you’ll love having a cat. Cats are low-maintenance, independent pets who take care of their potty breaks and don’t need as much attention as dogs. You can leave your house for most of the day as long as your cat has access to food, water, and the litter box and come home to a perfectly happy, healthy cat. 

5. They Scare Away Rodents

Cats are natural hunters, and they love to go after rodents. If your house has a rodent problem, your cat is sure to alert you as soon as possible. Your cat may even bring you prey as a gift. While it may be horrifying to get a dead mouse in your bed as a present, cats are simply acting out of instinct and trying to show you they love you. 

6. Soothing Purrs

The sound of a cat’s purrs can be incredibly soothing for some people, allowing you to relax after a long day. Hearing the sound of your fur baby’s purr can release endorphins that help you relax and keep you happy. 

7. Feeling of Calmness

Along with their beautiful, relaxing purrs, cats can also promote a feeling of calmness. While dogs are known for having wild, crazy antics, especially when they’re puppies, cats of all ages are calmer animals. Simply petting your cat can help you relieve stress for both of you. They’re also quieter; a purr or meow is much quieter than a dog barking at the mailman. Sometimes you won’t even be able to hear your cat move around the house, which can give you an overall sense of relaxation. 

8. No Need for a Large House

When you own a cat, you don’t need a lot of space, which is why they’re such great apartment pets. Your cat can easily adapt to whatever size home you have and be perfectly happy. Plus, they’re small animals, so they already don’t need tons of space. As long as you provide your kitty with tons of toys and spaces to climb, such as a cat tree, they’ll be happy to take advantage of vertical space. 

9. Can Be Trained

While dogs are known for being easily trained, your cat can also do tricks. Clicker training has been proven effective for cats to help them change their behavior. With rewards-based training, you can train your cat where they shouldn’t go in our home, teach them appropriate behavior with guests, and even teach them to sit and stay. 

10. Improve Mental Health

As mentioned, cats can promote calmness in your home, but they also provide other mental health benefits. Owning a cat can reduce stress while giving you something to look forward to every day. So even if you have a stressful day at work, you know your cat is waiting for you at home, which can instantly change your mood. Spending just a few minutes with your cat each day can help you manage stress while improving your bond. 

While cats don’t require as much responsibility as other pets, such as dogs, you’ll still need to take proper care of your pet, which means regular vet visits, feeding, and changing the litter. Responsibility can be good for your health because it gives you a purpose each day. 

11. Eco-friendly

Cats are an eco-friendly pet choice because they have a smaller carbon footprint than other pets. The resources necessary to care for a cat are less carbon-intensive than dogs. You can also further reduce your cat’s carbon footprint by buying eco-friendly products, such as sustainable litter and toys. Cats also have a diet high in fish, so you won’t have to worry about the impact the beef industry has on the climate. 

Should You Get a Cat?

While cats are lower maintenance than other pets and can provide you with tons of health benefits, pet ownership is not for everyone. If you’re not willing to dedicate time to your pet and form a bond while taking care of their physical and emotional health, don’t get a cat. However, if you’re ready to take on the responsibility of becoming a parent to a kitty, ensure you can be the best cat owner you can be.