11 Natural Ways to Fight Anxiety and Depression

June 22, 2020 | Posted at 5:39 am | by Michael (Follow User)

Millions of Americans suffer from both anxiety and depression. In recent years, anxiety has overtaken depression as the number one mental health concern among adults. While there are several prescriptions that you can get to help treat anxiety and depression, some people prefer a more holistic approach. 

There are many things that can help in treating anxiety and depression naturally. From exercise to changes in your diet to natural remedies, let us explore some of the natural ways to reduce anxiety and depression. 


Exercise is one natural remedy that can help fight both anxiety and depression. How? Exercise releases feel good endorphins that can help fight depression. When it comes to anxiety, research suggests that just 21 minutes a day can help to induce relaxation and alleviate anxiety. 

Change Your Diet

Refined sugar and carbohydrates can cause blood sugar levels to get high and then drop low in a short time frame. Low blood sugar can cause symptoms of both anxiety and depression as well as fatigue. Try to limit your intake of refined sugar and carbs. In addition, make sure that you are getting enough omega-3 oils and vitamins B6, B12, folic acid, and iron. These help to keep your neurotransmitters healthy. 

Get Enough Sleep

A restless night can cause anxiety about the next day and then depression. It is a cyclical pattern that has been observed in people who suffer from anxiety and depression. To get enough sleep, make sure you are getting 7-9 hours each night. Limit your screen time in the hours before bed and avoid caffeine or heavy meals just before bedtime as well. 

Try Yoga

While any type of exercise can help to raise endorphin levels and fight depression and anxiety, some types of exercise are more healing than others. Intense cardio sessions can raise levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. However, yoga has been shown in several studies to lower cortisol levels. Yoga also primes the parasympathetic nervous system, making it an effective treatment for depression and anxiety

Limit or Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine

While coffee may be your morning pick-me-up to get your day started and a glass of wine may be your way of unwinding after a hard day, this can be contributing to your alcohol and depression. Remember, alcohol is a depressant and caffeine is a stimulant. When combined with sugar, caffeine has been linked to symptoms of depression. 


Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is one of the primary compounds found in cannabis sativa. Unlike its sister compound, THC, CBD has no psychoactive effect. Recent studies have shown that CBD can help to alleviate both depression and anxiety. 

Since the 2018 Farm Bill legalized hemp and hemp-derived products, CBD has become easy to find. You can find it in oils that can be used with a portable vaporizer. It can also be taken in the form of edibles, such as chocolate, coffee, teas, and baked goods. It is even being sold in flower form, which can also be vaporized in a dry herb vaporizer. 

Try Herbal Supplements

There are several herbal supplements that can help with anxiety and depression. St. John’s Wort has been shown to affect serotonin levels positively. Ashwagandha, also known as “Indian ginseng” helps to reduce anxiety without causing drowsiness and helps to stabilize the body’s response to stress. Valerian root works in the same way as prescription benzodiazepines, helping to regulate nerve cells and calm anxiety. Lavender can also help to promote calmness and alleviate anxiety. Put a few drops in a diffuser or into a hot bath to relax. 

Get a Routine

Both depression and anxiety can eliminate the structure in your life. When you feel like one day is blending into the next, setting a gentle routine can help you get back on track. Make sure to include time for self-care in your daily routine as this can also help in the battle against depression and anxiety. 

Try Meditation

Meditation often includes a practice of mindfulness, which has been shown to reduce anxiety. For those who are new to meditation, there are several guided meditation videos and podcasts on YouTube. Try not to worry about having an overactive mind in your first few sessions; even small amounts of meditation can be beneficial. 

Get Outside

Increasing vitamin D levels can help to improve depression and anxiety. The best natural source of vitamin D is sunlight, so take at least 15 minutes a day to get outside and enjoy nature. The more nature, the better. One study found that after a 20 minute walk in a forest, people showed lower stress levels than those who took a 20 minute walk in an urban area. 

Take a Hot Bath

Raising your body heat helps to reduce stress and anxiety. For even more relief, add some Epsom salts to your bath. The magnesium in Epsom salts has been shown to calm anxiety and lower blood pressure. Adding lavender or vanilla essential oils can also help. 

If you suffer from anxiety or depression, remember that you are not alone. Millions of Americans report having occasional bouts of both conditions. Remember that there are several natural ways to help combat both anxiety and depression. It may take some time to figure out which works best for you, but once you do, you can be on your way to a healthier, happier self.